We hope the sentiment below is already a felt experience at Awaken. 
This serves as a reminder of the heart & intent of this community in our commitment to partner with God in the renewal of all things. 
Sometimes it’s nice to hear it said out loud. 

We live in a country where American citizens get a chance to vote according to their values. 
We just experienced an election of great import. 
Millions of Americans exercised their right to vote. 
Some of you are fine with the result of the election. 
Many of you are not fine.
As your pastors and leaders we feel compelled to say a few things to those who are grieving.
We are mindful of those who may feel a threat to their safety and autonomy.

To the Queer community at Awaken:
We love you and we see you. We value your integral part in our community.  
We hold your stories with tenderness, celebration, & pride. 
Your belonging in our community is NOT in question and we will continue to advocate for and partner with you. 

To the Parents of Queer Kids: 
We love you and we see you. We value your integral part in our community.  
We have deep compassion and empathy for you and with you - as some of us are you. 
To have yourself, or those that you love, used and othered as the enemy and the problem is evil and heartbreaking. 
Your belonging in our community is NOT in question and we will continue to advocate for and partner with you. 

To our Brothers and Sisters of Color: 
We love you and we see you. We value your integral part of our community. 
We honor your humanity and the unique weight you bear in a world that is quick to try to take that humanity away. We are committed to do the work of making Awaken a safe place where your humanity and ability to show up fully is not a question. 
Your belonging in our community is NOT in question and we will continue to advocate for and partner with you. 

To the Newly Immigrated, Refugees & Asylum Seekers: 
We love you and we see you. We value your integral part of our community. 
We hold the complexity of your stories with reverence, care and respect. 
We choose to believe that you make America better and that you represent a part of our story that we cannot forget. 
Your belonging in our community is NOT in question and we will continue to advocate for and partner with you. 

To the Kids:
We love you and we see you. We value your integral part of our community. 
We are committed to the work of caring for you and the world you will inherit. 
Your belonging in our community is NOT in question and we will continue to advocate for and partner with you. 

To the Women:
We love you and we see you. We value your integral part of our community. 
Your voice and presence matters and will continue to hold value at Awaken.
Your belonging in our community is NOT in question and we will continue to advocate for and partner with you. 

To the Men:
We love you and we see you. We value your integral part of our community. 
You have a unique role to play and we pray that you would have the courage required to fill it.
Your belonging in our community is NOT in question. 

As those invited to lead in our community, we offer this reminder with grace & peace. 

Micah, Jenna, Art, Sara, Erik, Trevor, Halle, Cathy